Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009

Gung ho movie synopsis

Gung Ho a film that recounts a theme about a negotiation. Negotiation is a matter that both intentionally and accidentally we do. Because in this life we do not negotiate offshore. Like in this film, a negosiator Hunt Stevenson called the attempt to defend good faith from a friend or business colleague. Many things associated with the negotiations in this film, both from the strategy used by the parties concerned and the end of the story is commonplace in the film.::
Negotiation strategies used in the movie Gung Ho.
From the results of the analysis of the film, the negotiations conducted using many of the strategies such as seeking. I see because of various problems in the work. many of the workers who have experienced a problem with the system of management of the Japanese. And Hunt is the party of the workers. When he was with the workers to use more strategies to motivate employees to be more proactive in working. Sometimes it is also not honest with the words he say. Hunt is in negotiations to play the way the negotiations to ask for more than you expect from the theory of Roger Dawson. In thoughts from Roger Dawson with the request so that we can better achieve a better result next to the discretion bernego diperlonggar. As in the movie Gung Ho, Hunt Stevenson on wage negotiations ask more than the number of charge provided management Assan motor. In addition to more flexibility and give bernego for the meeting with representatives kozhiro manager Assan Motor.
In Power Negotiating Roger Dawson property in gambitnya said megatakan not so in the first bidding. In this case I see from the Japanese in their first meeting in Japan, they are not directly on Hunt said yes. They agreed to a new time Hunt returned from Japan, it used to have more to offer.

Parties - parties that are involved in the movie Gung Ho.
Many parties involved in the negotiations in the film. parties are:
• The workers are often represented by Hunt Stevenson.
• The Japanese have also manager of Kozhiro he often negotiate with Hunt.
• The owner of shares Assan Motor Sakamoto.
All have a portion of the negotiations. between workers with Hunt. Hunt with the manager kozhiro also sakamoto with the owner Assan Motor.
Negotiation is a matter that we often do we know whether or not we realize.

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Gung ho movie synopsis
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